Sunday, September 23, 2007


The World Today

In my honors history class we were to write a paper on what we thought of the world today. This is the last page of my paper:

Death may be around us a lot of the time but then there is joy in corners of ours hearts in many places. Some are happy to have a job to be alive, to be able to fulfill your dreams, have a child and hold your baby in your hands. To know that you have someone in your life who makes you happy and keeps you safe and will let you know everything will be okay is one of the greatest things. Having that knowledge of knowing that you love someone and they love you back. In these moments, once in a while life seems great and it’s what everyone wants but not what everyone gets and if they are lucky enough to receive that; then you are blessed with a most precious gift.
It’s a simple question of what I think of the world today. There is no peace no rest but every once in a while we find happiness. Sometimes god gives a miracle something to remember, things you thought impossible, possible. It gives you hope that everything isn’t so bad after all and that maybe this happen to the world for a reason, that we were cursed so we could be blessed.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Being Loved

Once we found that person who makes us happy , we don't have to feel so alone anymore. :]
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School has made things better , i like the change a lot. I used to think that change was bad and that i wouldn't want to change anything in life and obviously i was wrong because .. i love it. :] The change of territory and variety of people being much closer to people than I ever imagined. People say i ahte school adn others say they love. It has its' ups and its' down just like life and i wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I mss him and his laugh and the fact that im alone but school makes up for it, and my friends. I love school and the courses and all the homework, it takes my mind off of him. I can't sit and think or daydream or my thougths will stray to him and so i crowd my selfwith unimportant things. So i dont think of the biggest thing of all.
him at war.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Deja Vu

Years ago i had a dream where i was in my body in the future. A moment that i didn't understand in my room yet on a bed that wasn't mine and clutter there. At that moment in my dream i was on my bed and i knew my life would change. I knew something big was coming.
I was growing and making decisions in my life to start over and to be better that what i had been. To learn from my mistakes and allow peace into my life. I know what i have chosen is right, i only pray I'm strong enough to keep on going and not look back.