Sunday, October 14, 2007


In class we are reading about different types of government, Utopian, communist, capitalist, etc. They all have their pro's and cons to me , what interests me though , is the idea of a Utopian government. Everything is perfect and the people are happy and every body is paid the same , but people still end up being unhappy.

In life people are never really satisfied, in the end we always find some way for something to turn out wrong. We can sometimes never really accept things for the way they are. Why? i have no idea.


Anonymous said...

The moment we get satisfied with what we have in life,life stops there.The dissatisfaction is the force which makes us keep moving in life.The people who say they are satisfied with what they have are actually satisfied to some extent not completely.Well for a vechile to move some acceleration is required but exccess is harmful so also is the exccess dissatisfaction.

BBC said...

Very nice blog hon. Beautiful sunset.

"im making my way home."

Ah, becoming enlightened are we?

Our political system and government has become just one big mess that needs to be torn apart and rebuilt.

Utopia to me would be being governed by a wise and Benevolent Monarchy of sorts. Monarchy really isn't the right word, I can't think of it right now, but I think you know what I mean.

I know, we need a "Mommy" government.

Have a wonderful evening. Hugs.

elvira said...

I really like your blog.
Full of emotions. =]

azgoddess said...

good questions..really good!! i believe in the eastern ways of thoughts - the ying and yang...

in order to be truly happy - you have to have known sadness - otherwise you have no gauge of what happiness is...

to truly have known love, you have to loose it - in feeling that loss, you hold on to the ideal of love even closer in your heart...

hugs my friend

Tracy Tillett said...

Yah, I have always thought how different our country would be, with another government system. There are definite pros, in terms of reducing the high poverty rate, but then again, others would be unsatisfied.

Of Interest, Ill look into detail more of the systems.