Thursday, August 23, 2007


We all have some where inside of us have knowledge of the things around us. We have the strength to do what needs to be done. The strength to move one, to let go of the past. I've to realize that many people you trust can't be trusted , they dont tell you the whole truth . I dont like the truth to be cut down in little pieces ,half of it be told and half hidden , you either say it or you don't.

So when someone says the greatest gift you can give them is your trust and confidence that's great, but some people can never return back to the way things used to be. You make a mistake you must live that.
And those that are hurt , like me, have become stronger and have forgot about their pains and are wiser and don't plan on looking back.

because the restless dreams of youth have come to an end you have become stronger , wiser and so much more. Those mistakes that you made in the past depending on people who werent there for you and putting confidence in those who could not be trusted they have taught you a lesson. For that I must say thank you and nothing else.

A new chapter begins.

" Know who your true friends and family are, and stay and depend on the people who really love you."

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Amanda M. Jansson said...

nice. thx for checkin out my blog. urs is nice too. it s inspiring i dare say. x, mandie

Harshad said...

You have maintained a great blog!!!
Thankx for visiting my blog....

Tracy Tillett said...

I totally agree with your thoughts, its difficult to trust, but then again, if we don't, how can we mantain relationships? i guess, its a risk,