Monday, June 9, 2008

Someone to Love.

I have been reading this book about time and love. This woman waits for husband since she was six because he travels in time throughout her life and sees he grow and comes to know her. She waits for him, never knowing when he will come or what state of mind he will be in when he comes , but she knows he will come. She has already been promised love, unlike so many of us.
Life could be so much easier if we knew what our future held and everyday, I pretend to be deep into my work , studying working, when secretly, I want someone to love. I want that so much that on some days if I smile enough, and laugh at the right jokes and pretend that the materialistic objects are the only things that matter, I almost trick myself into believing that I am just fine and that I do not have a problem in the world. Almost.


jamie. said...

what's the name of the book? it sounds amazing.

Rachelle said...

the time travelers wife.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.