Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back to the beginning or forward?

This weekend, it was great. It was his birthday and I had no idea what to get him, I had known him for more than half my life and I had no idea what to get him for his birthday.
We went out though, alone at last! It was bliss, to actually talk and feel with him and not be connected by the telephone but by our fingers, intertwined, and we had those moments where both of us thought 'this is how it is supposed to be.'
While walking with him I had an epiphany, ' he completes me.' It was not a realization that made me giddy or jump up and down because it had been building up for years and although I am extremely stubborn, I will not and cannot deny the fact of what he is to me. I held onto to him while I had him making each moment last, he loves the fact that I am independent but wants me to be in a relationship with him. The words are hanging in the air over us but he is doing this, having this "thing" so I can be happy. I however and making changes of my own, doing some of things he asked, telling him when I am upset instead of ignoring him. Talking to him about important situations instead of brushing them off and acting like I am fine. Even though I never did it before, I am letting him know in my own way that I need him just as much as he needs me.

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