Sunday, September 27, 2009

why yes i would like fries with that.

Sometimes I get annoyed when people are always saying 'I love my boyfriend,' but when I think of this past weekend it is the only thing I can think of. The old me would have would have been so disgusted that I am stuck on one guy and feel happy and tingly inside but I think that a part of her would have been happy too.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

W A N T E D: ?

Family... is such a complicated thing, constantly arguing and in a disarray,it's tiresome. Once in a while, you get to sit down and take a breather, and you think you have a break but you don't. It is a constant effort and I am just so tired. I am studying for my Walden test right now, and going to live alone, ( preferrably not in the woods) sounds really good right about now.

I lied. Julian's song is not as amazing as I thought it was. Depending on my mood, I like and dislike a lot of things, I'm not sure if I have ever known what I've wanted.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

La Musique

My sister sat together and played Julian's new single over and over again throughout the day on Sunday. It is called '11th Dimension.' It is not as if the song is unlike something I have never heard before, it is just so different from The Strokes. When I first heard it, I thought , 80's music! But then while Sasha and I were hanging out with some friends in the kitchen, it came on shuffle again and it made me want to groove to the beat, while I cooked the dinner. His voice is beautiful and lingers on each word for the right amount of time and the music is a mixed funky/electronica sound, and it is a risk but it is ah-mazing. There are people, like my sister Malkia, who hate it and listen to 30h!3. They sing the lyrics, 'shush girl, shush your lips, do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.' I dislike that song with a passion.

Sasha and I have bought every Strokes CD when they have come out, and when Albert did his own album we bought it also. So, as soon as Julian's is out, we are off to the store. I am going to have the lyrics stuck in my head for a while...

Drop your guard, you don't have to be smart all of the time
I got a mind full of blanks, I need to go somewhere new fast
And don't be shy, oh no, at least deliberately
No one really cares or wanders why anymore
Oh I got music, coming outta my hands and feet and kisses
That is how it once was done
All the dreamers on the run

Sunday, September 20, 2009


This week has had so many twists and turns that I can hardly keep up. I was ready to just
let. it . all . go. Reassurance, coming from the right person is such a powerful thing. God knows I needed it, and I am so thankful. The MCAS results came last night, and when I opened it, I screamed and hugged ma maman. A friend of mine and told me that I should keep on working hard, because good things would come my way and suprisingly, he was right.
This week is Spirit Week! I seem like the type of person who does not have a lot of school spirit, but when I dress up, I go full out and take lots of pictures.
I have becomed accustomed to a life without any television. The one that we had broke three months ago, and since then, it is like we have changed the whole structure of how things are around the house. I still watch shows from time to time on the Internet; the one I usually watch is called, 'Glee.' It had a qoute that made me think a bit: 'Doing this,taught me something; I do not have talk bad about people, to make myself feel better.'
I am not always complaining about something,but if I see something I do not like or I have problem with, I just say it, regardless of whether it's mean or not. Being judgemental, is not something I like about myself, but I am, all the time. I will hear myself saying something, and think ' that was a bit harsh.' As much as I dislike the fact that I do that, I keep silent at times, just so I do not overwhelm people with my personality. I hate always talking, or constantly saying what I am thinking. It is bad of course to not express what I think or feel at all, but I do not want to do it to a point where it is too much and seeing that happen to other people just makes me think, 'what if I was in that situation.'
The week has started out slow, so I had a power clean up and studied for everything I possibly could. Inspired from my boyfriend, the song I have in my head today is... Belief by Gavin Degraw.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

sweater of the day.

When I leave my room a take a sweater out of my closet to put on. I have so many of them, color coordinated, lined up in a row. As I was picking one today, I was reminded of Mr. Rogerson from the TV show, 'Mr . Rogerson Neighborhood.' He always had a sweater of the day to put on, as he walked out of his house. I was reminded of my childhood and how I would watch that show all the time and sing along without a care in the world. Afterwards, I was sad because I realized that nothing was really the same anymore.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


My father met and shook hands with Barack Obama today, in Philadelphia. He just called and told me, and I screamed so loud! I am so excited, he is so excited. This, just totally, made my day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

reduce. re-use. recycle.

Yesterday, I went to the Sterling Fair to volunteer and I absolutely loved it. People young and old, were walking by smiling, just having a good time.

Terry, the man in charge everything, shook my hand for an extra long time when I came and said, ' you live up on that white up house on houghton road don't ya? I didn't look you up or nothin', I just been building a house down the street from there.'
I smiled and told him, ' you bet I do, that house you're building, it's a big one, and an ugly one too, if you ask me.'
He threw his head back and laughed, and slapped the man on the shoulder next to him and said, 'Aren't you a riot? Those people movin' in there a bit.. well you know..' and he turned his head and took his finger and brushed it against the tip of his nose and raised his eyebrow, and it was my turn to laugh. He told e tha the Stering Fair had been going on for 28 years and he loved every minute of it, he just did not know how to get volunteers. I suggested that he ask Principal Beando up at wachusett, to putit on the announcments when the fair comes around, and surely people would sign up. All day, I sold t-shirts, buttons, helped people around the place, and had more fun than I had had, in a real long time.

Some people, when they came up to the t-shirt booth, they were just plain annoying.
'Ma'am,' a lady said to me, ' I was wondering if you could help me out. I have a little situation with my baby here, do you mind if I come inside and change his diaper and breastfeed for a while?' I skinned up my nose so fast, and said slowly..' uh, this is a store, not a bathroom. Don't you have a car?'
She then proceeded to start speaking and then she stoppped, then she would start up again, cock her hip and look at me, expecting me to let her in. This went on for a good ten minutes, before Terry came and told her that maybe the frst aid booth could help her out.

One hour later some woman comes up asking me if I could give her a t-shirt for her son. 'Well, where is your son?' I asked. 'Oh, well you know, he's around.'
'Well, what size is he?'
'Would it be a problem if you just laid out all the t-shirts for me to see?'
There were ten different sizes for the t-shirts, childrens, youth and adult; and if I took them out I would have to fold them al up again. I realized then and there, I could never work in a department store, I did not have the patience for anybodys' nonsense.

I loved the little children that came up and smiled and jumped up and down when I gave them a free frisbee. That is what I loved about the fair, people coming out, supporting eachother, spending time with their families and friends. I took pictures for families, and talked to those who came by themself and found something fun for them to do.

The most peculiar thing I saw of the day was the Go Green band. The Go Green Band, consisted of a woman in her mid 40's dressed up as clown/child entertainer.. and her husband and their son. Everthing they used, was recycled matierial and they sung for the little kids. They were really good and the song that I couldn't help, dancing along to, was their song, 'Reduce! Re-use, Recycle.' I thought it was a nice way to reach out to the parents, and kids; I loved the fact that the Sterling Fair gave them a chance.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I hate henry david thoreau with a burning passion. I need sleep, unfortunately my summer homework is taking forfuckingever to do.
I'm taking a break and watching weeds, I don't think I can type anymore papers today or draw anymore.