Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Because I said so

my mother is so... !!!! She just makes me so mad. She came back from the drivers ed meeting tonight and she walks into the house and says,
'the instructor said you can drive with non-family members after six months, but you are not going to until you're 18.'
'Why, that doesn't make any sense, I didn't sign up to sit in a classroom for 30 hours to only drive my annoying siblings around for the next two years. The law, driving instructors who know more about this than you do said 6 months, why would I wait 2 years?'
'Because I said so.'
'You can't do this, why do you always to try ruin everything that I have, you made me quit basketball, you are always checking up on my grades screaming if i get one B and you never have liked my friends. I want to drive, without you dictating to me where or whom I drive.'
She just stopped arguing and said the usual line ' you are so rude.'

Anyways today in drivers ed before we left early he had us watch this video, everybody was silent while watching it.

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