Sunday, December 6, 2009


Quite A Eventful Saturday:
1. Went to new york with mon pater and siblings
2. Went to my first concert with my cousins and some old friends I had not seen in years. We cauht up , danced , ate out. It was one of the highlights in my life
3. Had my cousins help me memorize all the ions for the chem quiz on monday
4. Broke up with my longtime boyfriend
5. Visited two universities, which I absolutely loved!
6. Got to play the piano with some amazing musicians and they showed me a different style and it was new and exciting! I went up there in front of the crowd and did improv with the band and my heart was pounding and my hands were shaking but , there is nothing like it . Especially when your done and the crowd goes crazy, I looked back at Mark and he shouted ' it gets better girl, hit me up the next time you're down here.'

It was a good day, it made me excited to graduate highschool and get out into the real world. So many of my friends from the summer program have status updates saying, ' I GOT INTO COLLEGE' and I think , yup, I still have a year to go. Sweet.

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