Monday, August 23, 2010

the word love is so over used that it doesn't hold enough meaning for me. J'ai trop ardeur pour mes amis de Yale. The french always say it better. skype skype SKYPE.

I get sad sometimes because I know I won't be going to faraway places like Norway or Venezuela to see some of them; but MAY '11 Italy and Paris reunion and I'll stay there until college, I can't wait :)!!

When we would all go to lunch or hang out on the quad we didn't gossip. We taught each other different words and talk about what we did differently. We talked about the stereotypes that we had for each other's countries and laughed our asses off at how dumb they sounded. These talks were different from what I'm usually surrounded by and . Maybe we were more honest with eachother and vulnerable because we knew it was only a month of living with each other.

For me, if the only thing that two people can talk about is gossip when they are around each other then they aren't really friends and this weird feeling comes over me when it happens sometimes. I fall out of touch with people I've known for years and it seems like gossip is the only thing that holds us together and I hate that. I can go to school with someone for a whole year and only see tiny glimpses of who they really are and what they are really about. It takes so long to understand someone and back there, it was completely the opposite. Maybe it's too much to ask..
School is the polar opposite of what I want, plus I have summer reading. I just feel like a whole bunch of shit is coming my way and there is nothing i can do to stop it. PUTAIN.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Attend! non reste-ici , je t'aime

It's over and I can't stop crying. Last night when we were all outside until dawn saying goodbye I watched as people kissed and cried as some left for early flights. Then as soon as Nicolas got up to go I couldn't keep it together. As soon as they stepped out the gates , Louis and others lit up their cigarettes for the first time in three weeks and the crowd cheered. It was the first time in a long time that I allowed myself to let go of everything that I had been holding back. Those of us that remained held on to eachother silently trying to take it all in. The depressing part is that some of us won't see eachother for years. People are from Venezuela, italy , mexico, France , all over and we've lived with each other for a month. Tomorrow morning Valentine's phone will not play wavin flag to wake us up for the shower, tomorrow Come will not say a sly remark in french across the class to me, tomorrow every single one of us will be back home, alone and it makes me want to curl up in my bed and not come out. I am never this open but after meeting these people who kiss you good morning on the cheeks and speak their thoughts with no hesitation, I don't care anymore.

On the last night we all came together and the performing arts classes showed us their pieces.
Everyone sang along with the band to Hotel California, as the song ended there was a moment where we realized that this song would remind of our time here and the people we met and that we'd never forget.

Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the hotel california
Any time of year, you can find it here

Vous me manquez...Esperons que nous reverrons un jour. l'amour à tous!
