Sunday, May 13, 2007

“A Broken Heart”

When he talks about “to the heart” he says that even though some of us may look more beautiful or less attractive, more fragile, less human; we all have a heart and once it’s broken it’s a terrible thing to behold.
Because that doctor who always comes through isn’t going to be able to this time. A constructor or surgeon or magician they can fix things that are broken, they can put it back together. But for a broken heart, there is not bandage to help the pain go away or someone to put you back into one piece. There is not estimation time for when you will be back to normal or if you will ever make a full recovery.

It's the hardest thing to mend... a broken heart

You've dug into every book trying to help her
something to put them back,
into one piece
because if they lose them self , then so do you
and you couldn't ever imagine living without them

not in a million years
you break
knowing that.. you
cant do anything either
because you saw her heart broken years back

and your the one , who
mended her broken soul together again
all those years ago
you were her saviour
you protected her

But now,
you are the one
you have broken her
and to that
there is no solution
nothing you can do

and o how much you wished
you could fix her
but she was gone,
never to return

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