Friday, July 17, 2009

gone gone gone

DC is amazing. I thought that since I was taking a college course it was going to be so hard, but the discussions that we have in class are so deep and everyone is open about . I am one of the few rising juniors here for the program but age does not even matter here. My professor looks like he walked out a Jane Austen book or Bronte, he fits the description of Mr Darcy but he is pleasant looking. I love him so much, he just adopted a baby from Russia and was not able to make it for the first class so he skyped in, for our first class. Technology today is truly ah-mazingg. What I am about to say makes me seem a bit dense but I hoped to meet some great looking guys down here, I did not, but they are ok.

So many of the people here are rising seniors and megan and I are able to keep up with them and talk on the same level, and recieve those top grades. They told us that we are going to be so smart when we are rising seniors if we can keep up right now and that definitely made us feel better. A girl from back home is at this program with me when we saw eachother we screamed because I felt that even though I did not know her that well, I wasn't alone.

I understand her better now though, our whole group is awesome. Nick from Singapore is a riot oh god he just, he is like the tourette's guy on YouTube but so much funnier. Roddie Lee from Tennessee is awesome and Maya from Indiana, Hannah from NC and Daniel from Chicago. Then their is Matt the polish boy who speaks french too and is from New Jersey. Sam and Charlie the Jew Boys as they call themselves knew each other growing up and they make everyone's day. Then there is Megan and me, we tell stories about our small town and how horrible it is. We both know that if we were back there now we could never have as much fun as we are having now. This, this program is the highlight of my highschool years, people from all over the country who want the same things and we are all moving at the same pace, together. When I go back to school i am going to feel as though I nothing changed, but then I will remember here, and the people I have met and the experiences that I've had and I'll smile just because.

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