Monday, July 5, 2010

B&N makes me oh so happy.

So what did I ask for a birthday present from three people? Gift certificate to Barnes & Noble. I spent three hours in there yesterday and I absolutely loved it. I went throughout different sections in the store and picked up twenty books. My favorite corner is the one near the Starbucks; it's farthest from the childrens section and the smell of the coffee relaxes me. When I took breaks from reading, I peeked around the corner to see who else was so engrossed in their book that they weren't paying attention to anything else. Lucien kept calling me a nerd and said he wanted to do something else. It irked me how different how interests are, so to take my mind off of the fact I told him to go look for a book I would like. Instead he found this bag; I love it.

On a side note, it has taken me so long to realize that our interests and goals are barely similar. I love reading, and spending time alone, playing sports and relaxing with my family; he does not do any of that. When I said I was looking at colleges in Canada, Washington D.C, and Georgia ( basically all over), all he said was "why?" He doesn't understand my reasoning but I'm glad that I am finally branching out and nobody not even him is going to keep me from leaving. I don't care if it's selfish, it's SUMMER 2010, I have my last year ahead of me and I am going to enjoy myself. ALLONS-Y! =)

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