Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Teens are like Africa

*I wrote this a couple of months ago.

This week started out stressful but a film in English, "Merchants of Cool" and someone has made me smile so much ! :) The film is about advertising in America and it was made almost a decade ago but it is hilarious. We discussed afterwards whether Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera was a better artist. When my teacher said he'd rather bang is head through a glass window than listen to either one of them there was an uproar (my class is basically all girls.) Even though he is sometimes a douche , my teacher is really funny.

Anyways, the sunlight lately has put me in a better mood; then I think of tennis season coming up and my happy mood goes away. I love tennis but the team is nothing like basketball teams. They are constantly competing and sneering, and some of them making stupid jokes that are not funny. They call coach names behind her back, and maybe if they were at least a bit funny I wouldn't mind but they are straight up rude. There is something about being out on the basketball court with a team and supporting someone even if they make a mistake. Tennis isn't like that, at all. Who knows maybe this year will be better..
Yesterday I went for a two mile run with my sister and the neighbor. They stopped running after two minutes because they were texting. The text said and I qoute " How the f*** can you just stop liking someone, we have been through so much together, I love him." I laughed out loud when I read this, this girl is only thirteen years old, she has no idea what she is talking about. When I was in eighth grade it was not like that, I don't know what is going on with kids today

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