Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"oh, wow" - Cassie.

mother quote:
"Rachel where are you all going?"
" movies to see that twilight movie"
" is that a joke? You all are going to waste your money on some rubbish film. It looks stupid, plus that boy looks like he is constipated all the time. None of them can act"
" Thanks for that mother"

Brought my sister to go see Eclipse for her birthday. I fell asleep halfway through it but for the hour I was up, it was not that painful to watch . My neighbor was all " you're conforming to society Rachel.." and I said I wasn't , first of all I can't say a movie sucks unless I watch it, plus who gives a shit if I watch it? It's not like I'm freaking about it. I'm also going to watch it so that when Harry Potter comes out in a couple of months I can watch it and truly say HP was a million times better.

When Rebekah introduced me to the book five years ago during MCAS (shit that was soo long ago) I was obsessed. Now when I think about it , when I am thirty or older they are going to say that a movie that everyone liked when I was young was "Twilight" and that just all around sucks.

My sisters would not stop screaming about Eclipse on the car ride back home. Malkia just kept on going " oh my gooood, Rachel you HAVE to take to me to that creepy goth store to get a team jacob shirt. Did you see him with his shirt off, because I did! Talk about sexy, God I am just freaking out right now. As soon as the DVD comes out I am going to buy it, and the pause it when Jacob comes on shirtless and just stare at him for like..EVER!"

The music was pretty good, maybe I'll get some of the songs. I felt pretty smart because recognized some of the artists..

-Shout out and thanks to Sasha Pacek for introducing me to Florence + the machines and my sister Sasha for giving the black keys cd and JT for the Bands of Horses music when we were freshmann !
Also I watched this British show called Skins on youtube. It's dramatic and unrealistic and depicts teenage life as this constant party; but it was extremely entertaining. I find myself imitating the accents when I talk, it's kind of funny.


Scarlet said...

I recently watched skins too lol their accents are really funny, and sometimes quite hard to understand!!


Anonymous said...

Nice brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.

Rachelle said...

@ Scarlet yeah it is funny!
@ Anonymous: no problem! whats your college assignment on?