Saturday, December 15, 2007
Missing the past
I saw videos of my brother, who's long gone now, and my family who has died or moved away. When we were young we laughed at the silliest things and complained to our parents. There was one point were none of us had front teeth it was horrible !:]
We didn't have such large responsibilities then but when i was watching myself on those tapes i realize i was exactly the same . I have grown physically but still my personality is has it always has been but life isn't and that's what i miss the most.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Footseps in the right Direction
In the end we will all sin, what happens to us then?
I've made some big changes in my life , my mother would say for the worse , i would say i don't know where I'm going .. at least not right now. I've a lost a best friend, one that i love very much. We used to like each other so much and then I messed things up. Everybody told me if he found out i had a boyfriend it would be the last string, no more going back. I don't know why i had a boyfriend, when I all needed was in front of me. Yet I'm always the one to break it off, because i don't want to be hurt.
You always see those movies, where they say love is about taking chances and well i thought maybe i'm too young to love. But there was one movie and she said .
" Maybe love doesn't choose us; maybe we choose it. It's always been there but when we make that choice to put our heart on the line, it's then we find happiness. "
Sometimes i wish it were that easy for me to let someone love me. I asked my godmother how she knew Cassidy was the one. She said " I knew he would never hurt me, not even if i hurt him. He would never hurt me back."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Go for it
So i began in the morning running longer distances and stay out longer and breathe in too much and it hurts , the wind makes my eyes water and my throat burns. But sometimes if i push hard enough i feel like i can escape it all.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Morning Glory
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The World Today
Death may be around us a lot of the time but then there is joy in corners of ours hearts in many places. Some are happy to have a job to be alive, to be able to fulfill your dreams, have a child and hold your baby in your hands. To know that you have someone in your life who makes you happy and keeps you safe and will let you know everything will be okay is one of the greatest things. Having that knowledge of knowing that you love someone and they love you back. In these moments, once in a while life seems great and it’s what everyone wants but not what everyone gets and if they are lucky enough to receive that; then you are blessed with a most precious gift.
It’s a simple question of what I think of the world today. There is no peace no rest but every once in a while we find happiness. Sometimes god gives a miracle something to remember, things you thought impossible, possible. It gives you hope that everything isn’t so bad after all and that maybe this happen to the world for a reason, that we were cursed so we could be blessed.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Deja Vu
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sometimes i trip on how happy we could be ..
I feel like somethings breaking me or maybe it is a deep jealously but it's breaking me tormenting while i sit here waiting for him, till we can talk , i close my eyes and think:
'not that long, it will be ok.'
War i thought couldnt be that bad, but i think , i would never in my life want anything to happen to him.. because i would lose him and i would lose part of me and i would never be ok again.
He doesnt think of what i am going to do when he dies, when he is hurt knowing everyday that something could happen to him. The fact that he hasnt told his family that i am the only one who knows puts pressure on me in ways you couldnt imagine .
And everytime i see him , i try to find the right words to say , to make him stay. So that he doesnt his family, his friends and everything we have.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
And those that are hurt , like me, have become stronger and have forgot about their pains and are wiser and don't plan on looking back.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
It's So Hard to Say goodbye
Don’t you know I miss you
Don’t you know I care
Don’t you know If I had million years
I still wouldn’t have enough time to spare
I want you to come home
I want you to come back
Please don’t make me do this
To have to say goodbye
I see you leaving me
Every time I blink
Im part of you and youre part of me
Parts of us will be missing
Please explain to me how it’s best for us
When it was your decision
I don’t want to feel this way
I want you to make me smile
To fell my arms around you again
It would make it all worthwile
just. please.
don't do this.
i dont know how to say it any other way
to help you understand
but know that i'm doing the best i can.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Growing up. old and away
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Moving on
When you meet these new people they dont expect anything from you or sterotype you or have an idea right away of what your like. I could talk with simple frineds from all around the world for hours about everything but then with the people that you know, it seems like they want a problem and make things into a bigger situation. So maybe i'm just tired of my town or maybe i'm growing up but either way ,
i am over everything and movin' on baby.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Be Happy
I went to school with someone for years and this summer we have become close extremly close to find out that our situation is so similar and when you have someone there who understands you and is there for it feels good to have someone there to lean on and to help me to the next step.
Each day i gain the confidence not to look back on the past to things that shouldnt have mattered and to look forward to bigger and better things;and when i see myself thinking that way , it makes me smile to know that i've come this far and can go anywhere i want and nothing else would matter.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Forgive & Forget isn't so easy
I've been places
i've seen many faces
but none of them
make me smile, like you do.
It's a hard thing to just let go of someone and not talk to them i never realised how much you missed someone till they were gone and sometimes you wish you could have them back but on the other hand, everything happens for a reason .
maybe some things just werent meant to be.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
My Lonestar
It makes me smile.
What i never really understood in life was what it felt like to be betrayed. You see people hurt all around you and you hurt for them and you wish you could take the pain away from them and seeing them hurt , makes you feel just as bad. But to feel it for yourself i dont know how you are supposed to cope with yourself.
I realized that if i had taken hold of what was right in front of me then this wouldnt of happened but i have never been that type of person i always seem to think that that person is going to be there forever and they are not. They move on and sometimes you have to move on also
I just wish that i could go back to the start
because right now i dread this feeling so much
and it hurts
and it wont go away
i'll smile and laugh all day long
but when the day ends and im alone
i am right back to where
I started.
and i want to cry but no tears will come, i want to sleep but i stay up all night going crazy, i want to speak to somebody but the words are stuck in my throat.
So I am sitting here ..waiting , for someone to come and save me.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Talk it through
what if it's not enough?
Sunday, June 10, 2007

if someone said three years from now
you'd be long gone
i'd stand up an dpunch them out
cuz their all wrong
that last kiss
i'll cherish
until we meet agian
and time makes
it harder
i wish i could remember
but i keep your memories
you visit me in my sleep
my darling
who knew?
my darling,
i miss you
who knew?
Sunday, May 13, 2007
“A Broken Heart”

When he talks about “to the heart” he says that even though some of us may look more beautiful or less attractive, more fragile, less human; we all have a heart and once it’s broken it’s a terrible thing to behold.
Because that doctor who always comes through isn’t going to be able to this time. A constructor or surgeon or magician they can fix things that are broken, they can put it back together. But for a broken heart, there is not bandage to help the pain go away or someone to put you back into one piece. There is not estimation time for when you will be back to normal or if you will ever make a full recovery.
It's the hardest thing to mend... a broken heart
You've dug into every book trying to help her
something to put them back,
into one piece
because if they lose them self , then so do you
and you couldn't ever imagine living without them
not in a million years
you break
knowing that.. you
cant do anything either
because you saw her heart broken years back
and your the one , who
mended her broken soul together again
all those years ago
you were her saviour
you protected her
But now,
you are the one
you have broken her
and to that
there is no solution
nothing you can do
and o how much you wished
you could fix her
but she was gone,
never to return
Friday, May 4, 2007
19 Minutes

I recently purchased the book 19 minutes. I thought it would be a good book because I loved her other ones, but when I finished it seemed so intense and it scared me. I didn’t know what to think of it. The bullying in it and the mentality of the main character (Peter); he found nothing wrong with killing those 10 people and it scared me that someone could seriously think this way. I didn’t understand the intensity of the book.
After I finished some parts I had to read them over because I couldn’t believe anything like it. Hearing about Columbine because I read the “ She said Yes” book some years back was a shocker in 6th grade. But the Judi Picoult book had a new openness to her book that I don’t think I was ready for. I became so upset at everything, thinking how could someone think this way? People who are bullying don’t realize what they are doing and so when I saw it in school or people gossiping it got me so upset.
The next day, after I read 19 Minutes, my english teacher talked about a student she once had that had stabbed someone and killed him. He had autism or something like it.. She had written a poem on him and everything about him and how he was. The murdering part of it, how unhappy they were, the fact that they took someone’s life was so extreme I wanted to cry. Instead I took a poem a wrote it about 19 minutes. About Peter getting revenge and the people in the book. Then she was talking about some english group for her friends story and the whole time i was about to explode i guess i just didn't realize that things happen like this. And not everywhere is a happy place and you can either sit back and let it happen or do something about.
I myself.. don't even know what i'm doing but i guess i'm still trying to figure it out.
I listened to the podcast of Judi PIcoult talking of the story of Judi Picoult and i realized that for some people school is hell on earth and sometimes we are at fault even if we dont know it.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Dreamland Baby

tapping my foot
listenin' to the music
nodding my head
dreamin off
things you couldn't imagine
because its not real to me
but at the moment
lets smile and hold hands
be together
and leave everything behind
because you and I are the only things that matter
and as far as I'm considered that's good enough
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

" Just hold my hand , and trust me to get me through the day. Tell me that you love me and our love won't fade away. Because i wouldnt want to lose you, not now, not ever.. i dont know what i'd do if we were ever severed."
Its all inside us. When we look around and see people with things. We want them sometimes so badly but we don't realize what we have. Sometimes you are so caught up in yourself you don't realize that you are hurting other people around you. In growing up I 've realized that you can never have everything you want. But you can get what you want and need by working hard.
It's the idea of having some things that really fascinates me. I don't even think that if i got them that it would make me feel complete. A lot of things make me feel complete and some people do to. Others know just how to make you feel like nothing..incomplete. Almost.
Today i watched a play and they asked have you ever been betrayed or hurt by a friend? I almost turned around to stare at that person who was right behind me but i caught myself. Somehow even tho i wanted to turn around so bad i sat there because looking at that person and letting them get embarrassed by everybody seeing that they weren't trust worthy just wasn't what i thought would be good. I had this feeling in my gut , i don't know what it was but it almost hurt knowing that someone had done that and still acted the same way and didn't change even though she had lost a friend.
Maybe i wasn't really a friend. Just a person she could find information about and take it and damage me with. I don't know what they were thinking its just told me that i cant trust any and anyone. So i closed myself off for a while. But i realized that even when your hurt you have to let the people who love you help and then you can get through it day by day.